It appears a particularly foul type of barnacle has decided to latch on to you in the guise of a user. I recommend ignoring it - hopefully the wretched thing will die of neglect and fall off.
As far as the comic goes, not quite a laugh-out-loud joke, but I still found it amusing. For a second there I thought her heart had exploded or something. I notice that the shading on the characters is kind of inconsistent, in terms of light source. Like in panel 8, Pinkie's shaded like the light is coming from above, but Twilight is shaded like it's coming from the side. Also, I like Twilight's pouty face in the last panel. Really, all of their expressions are pretty good.
Try not to let cruel people get to you. I don't know if you watch Toonami, but take some advice from T.O.M.: Listen to your critics, but ALWAYS ignore the haters.