Okay, I'm sorry, but I *need* to know: is how Calamity speaks your normal manner of talking? Because it is FANTASTIC. This entire animation is *mind-blowingly* good, and I could listen to the twelve seconds of your song-spell on a loop FOREVER. I am a complete sucker for a woman who can sing with real force, and if we were to ever meet, I would likely give you my heart. But sadly, all I can offer a favorite.
The favorite icon looks like a heart, though!
Now yes, I do have to admit that, as others have said before, at least Wrip's voice was a little inconsistent in terms of accent and, yes, maybe Calamity was hard to understand at the start, but I honestly didn't care by the end, for reasons I've already explained. If I had to offer some (different) advice, I'd say you need to focus on putting that final bit of polish on, well, everything. Now, don't think for a second that means what you have here isn't good, or great even. You know how you might see in a TV show or movie a chef slave over an extravagant meal, and everything looks so delicious you want to take a bite out of your screen? But before he or she lets it go out to the customer, they hold up a hand to stop the waiter, then carefully, SO gingerly, grab a tiny piece of parsley and place it on top of the steak with *micron* precision, and somehow that makes the entire thing completely perfect? That's what I mean - that one tiny bit of extra perfection that makes you go from "great" to "bathed in a heavenly light while an angelic chorus sings Hallelujah." Just that final bit of finish on the art, the animation, the voices, and your work will shine like the sun.
If I sound overly flattering in this, it's because I want to stress that this *is* fantastic, because I can see that you are entirely capable of raising the bar as high as it will go, and because I want to encourage you to do so. (And maybe a little because of that voice-crush I mentioned.)